Series of articles covered in AERA
AERA Vol. 2: "Safe and Convenient! What is the Promising Technology that Utilizes Personal Information Without Revealing It?"
*This article is a summary of the discussion between Mr. Sato, President & COO of Jasmy Inc. ,and digital culture specialist, Mr. Takahashi, on the topic of "Safe and Convenient! What is the Promising Technology that Utilizes Personal Information Without Revealing It?" featured in AERA Vol. 2.
Contents of the dialogue:
Topic1:The difference in awareness of data crisis
They mentioned the difference in awareness regarding data between Europe and Japan.In Europe, there is a high level of concern that the management of Big Data by giant IT companies threatens privacy, and there are concerns about the centralization of data. On the other hand, in Japan, such concerns have not yet spread widely, and there is a low awareness of data protection and utilization. While typical companies tend to actively collect data, Jasmy Inc. is committed to the control of decentralized data, which is the concept of "Data Democracy".
Topic2: The Value of Data Control
It is stated that in addition to protecting data, it is important for individuals to utilize data according to their own will. For example, collecting data related to health can be beneficial in fields such as preventive medicine. By controlling data themselves and adopting a mindset of "let's provide this data" or "let's protect this data," individuals can utilize their own data and protect it from unintended use.
Topic3: What is the notable new technology that can be used without revealing personal information? About PDL (Personal Data Locker)
A notable new technology called the Personal Data Locker (PDL) is introduced. This technology enables individuals to securely manage and utilize their own data without disclosing personal information. Specific use cases include the entry and exit management system of a professional baseball team. During the COVID-19 pandemic, if there was a confirmed case among attendees, the administrator could notify other attendees on the same day without disclosing personal information. Additionally, it is used in a proof-of-concept experiment for analysis by artificial intelligence (AI) on Tripa, a travel media site operated by Nippon Travel Agency Co.,Ltd. to provide travel suggestions tailored to individual preferences.

Koji Takahashi
He is a professor in the Department of Fashion Business at the Professional Institute of International Fashion, and has been in the current position since 2019, after working in advertising agencies and publishing houses. His areas of expertise include media studies and digital cultural studies, and he is the author of works such as "Rethink Internet: Rethinking the Internet."
Kazumasa Sato
He is President & COO of Jasmy Inc. He served as President of Sony Style .com Japan Inc. in 2000, and held various positions at Sony, including Director of the Creative Center, before leaving Sony in 2016 to establish Jasmy.
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